[매일 영어] Nov. 24 The last straw? Korea extends restrictions on single-use items
The last straw? Korea extends restrictions on single-use items
single-use items 일회용품
a yearlong grace period 1년간의 유예기간
Food service establishments 집단 급식소
ease in the restrictions 규제를 완화하다.
Under the grace period 유예기간 동안
going back and forth 오락가락 하다.
Doing the right thing is one thing, but reality is different
I am both disappointed and relieved
The last straw? Korea extends restrictions on single-use items
From Thursday, the government will expand its ban on single-use merchandise with a yearlong grace period, adding plastic bags, straws, stir sticks and more to its list of restricted items. Single-use plastic bags will be banned from retail stores including