[매일 영어] Nov. 1 Could Itaewon tragedy have been prevented?
영어/매일 영어
2022. 11. 1. 08:28
Could Itaewon tragedy have been prevented?
the crowd surge 급증한 군중
the tragedy unfolded 비극이 전개되다.
catastrophe 재앙
deploying more police officers. 더 많은 경찰을 배치하다.
admitting 시인하다. 자백하다. 인정하다.
casualties 사상자
could have been prevented 예방될수 있었던..
Could Itaewon tragedy have been prevented?
With the nation in shock with the overnight tragedy from the crowd surge at Halloween festivities in Itaewon, questions surfaced about the lack of safety control and crowd management over the event. The tragedy happened as a large number of people were pac