[매일 영어] Oct. 27 Nigerian President hopes to boost trade and investments with Korea
영어/매일 영어
2022. 10. 27. 08:24
Nigerian President hopes to boost trade and investments with Korea
an exclusive written interview 단독 서면 인터뷰
the ease of doing business 비즈니스의 용이성
Ahead of his visit 그의 방문을 앞두고
agro-processing 농업 가공
liquefied natural gas plant 액화 석유 공장
his administration 그의 정권
[Herald Interview] Nigerian President hopes to boost trade and investments with Korea
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari expressed hopes for more trade and investment from Korea, stressing the Nigerian government’s recent policies to encourage foreign investment in an exclusive written interview with The Korea Herald in Seoul. "Our gover