[매일 영어] Aug. 30 TV war looms as Samsung, LG head to IFA this week
TV war looms as Samsung, LG head to IFA this week
loom 곧 닥칠것 처럼 보이다.
Keen interest 깊은 관심
the annual gathering 매년 열리는 행사
hiatus 중단
raising speculation 추측이 증가하다.
outpacing 앞지르다.
ditche (원치않거나 불필요한)버리다.
the first half of this year 올해 상반기
anonymity 익명
citing the production process. 생산과정을 예로 들며,
talks have been stalled 회담이 교착에 빠졌다.
push comes as ~로써 밀어닥치다.
TV war looms as Samsung, LG head to IFA this week
South Korean tech rivals Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are heading to Berlin this week to show off their latest home appliances, including flagship TVs, during the IFA trade show that kicks off Friday (local time). Keen interest is being paid to w