[매일 영어] April.20th Central bank chief nominee hints additional rate hikes
Central bank chief nominee hints additional rate hikes
additional rate hikes 추가 금리 인상
to quell [kwel] inflationary pressure 인플레 압력을 가라앉히다.
lawmakers 국회의원
risks tied to the global supply bottleneck 글로벌 공급 병목현상과 관련된 리스크
preemptive signals 선제 시그널
entail 수반하다.
risks stemming from upward inflationary pressure 상승 인플레이션에 기인한 리스크
there were no prior consultations 사전 상의가 없었다.
Central bank chief nominee hints additional rate hikes
South Korea’s central bank plans to give appropriate “signals” to quell inflationary pressure, the nominee for the Bank of Korea chief said Tuesday, confirming his stance for further rate hikes in months to come. Rhee Chang-yong, former director of t