[매일 영어] Mar.17 Samsung CEO apologizes for stifling phone performance
Samsung CEO apologizes for stifling phone performance
stifling phone performance 폰의 성능을 억누르다.(줄이다.)
top brass bombarded with tough questions 고위 간부들이 거친 질문을 퍼붓어졌다.
the escalating disputes 격화되는 분쟁
amid complaints growing 불만이 높아지는 가운데
citing the credibility issue 신뢰성 문제를 언급하며,
no sign of abating 줄어들 기미가 없다. abate 약해지다.
suspend shipments 선적을 유예하다.
lucrative new growth drivers 수익성 높은 신성장 동력
Samsung CEO apologizes for stifling phone performance
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman and co-CEO Han Jong-hee on Wednesday apologized over the escalating disputes surrounding performance issues of the tech giant’s latest flagship Galaxy S22. “We were unable to properly consider our consumer’s needs,