[매일 영어] Nov.19 - Korea plans up to W10tr investment for biohealth by 2023
영어/매일 영어
2020. 11. 19. 08:35
Korea plans up to W10tr investment for biohealth by 2023
South Korea’s newfound focus on the bio industry is only anticipated to further concentrate on the heel of announcements made Wednesday by the nation’s leading biologics companies that they will invest hundreds of billions of won to building additional
Korea plans up to W10tr investment for biohealth by 2023
expresses appreciation 감사를 표현하다.
pledge 약속하다.
memorandum 각서
endeavors 노력
deputy prime minister 부총리
foster 조성하다. 발전시키다.
Taking this into consideration, 이것을 고려해 보았을 떄,
envisions 마음속에 상상하다.
On the day, 그 때가 오면,
groundbreaking 획기적인
longevity 장수