[영어기사] Jun.11 - S. Korea suffers steepest job losses in 10 years amid pandemic
2020. 6. 11. 08:20
S. Korea suffers steepest job losses in 10 years amid pandemic
The number of unemployed in South Korea in May hit the highest level in more than a decade as businesses continued to freeze jobs amid the coronavirus pandemic, data showed Wednesday. According to data released by Statistics Korea, the number of emp
S. Korea suffers steepest job losses in 10 years amid pandemic
steep 가파른
shed 없애다
aftermath 여파, 후유증
pent-up 억눌린
retail sector 소매업 부문
Citing the data 데이터를 인용하면,
National Assembly 국회
fallout 낙진
contractions 수축, 축소
segment 부분
took a toll ~에 큰 피해를 주다.
staggering 충격적인
parliament 국회
safeguard [격식] 보호하다.