[영어기사] May.18 - Though outbreak has peaked, masks becoming mandatory in Korea
Though outbreak has peaked, masks becoming mandatory in Korea
Even at the peak of the novel coronavirus outbreak in February, masks were not mandatory in South Korea. But as the country struggles to navigate an exit from the public health crisis, face coverings are increasingly becoming a legal mandate. On Sunday, In
Though outbreak has peaked, masks becoming mandatory in Korea
a legal mandate 법적 명령
municipality 지방자치 당국
mass transit 대량 수송수단
abide 참다/견디다.
defiant 반항하는
excessive 과도한
flurry 혼란
face fine 벌금에 직면하다.
comply 준수하다.
hard-won 어렵게 얻은
suppress 진압하다.
draconian measures 엄격한 조치
binding rules 구속력 있는 규칙
implementation 실행
vigilance 경계
pundit 전문가
complacency 안주